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The Promoting of Source Reduction of Municipal Solid Waste Project

Totally 11 investigations had be taken to evaluate the policy performance. Restricted sites, plastic product manufactures, tableware washing business and disposable tableware manufacturers were invloved in these investigations. 23.4% and 40.0% of wieght reduction rate were estimated of plastic shopping bag (PSB) and plastic disposable tableware (PST), respectively, in accordance with the first time policy performance evaluatoin. Moreover, worse policy performance was found by the second policy perofrmance investigation, that weight reduction rate of 17.2% for PSB and 40.0% for PDT was obatined, in the end of 2003. The impact to PDT manufacturer by the policy had been softening when subsuduary was applied. However, the condition of PSB manufacturers was under recession because of unclear market demand which deeply affected by the performace of the policy. To enforce resuable tableware washing service business, related enforcement draft was submitted for discussion in public hearing meeting. Moreover, a green packaging desing campaign was hold to promote green packaging product at the project duration.
plastic shopping bag,plastic disposable tableware restriction,restriction site,source reduction,plastic manufacturer